
Alps Alpine Co., Ltd. signed a memorandum of understanding on April 24, 2020 with radar sensor company Acconeer AB (Lund, Sweden; CEO: Lars Lindell) regarding joint development of next-generation automotive sensing technology. The aim is to expand the automotive business domain through development of millimeter-wave sensors with advanced functionality and superior cost performance and bolstering of capability for deploying the technology in diverse applications employing original sensing algorithms.

瑞萨电子宣布,率先推出业界专为先进电机控制系统优化的RISC-V MCU——R9A02G020,全新产品使用户无需投入开发成本,即可受益于电机控制应用的即用型交钥匙解决方案。借助预编程的ASSP,用户可以缩短上市时间并降低成本,从而节省RISC-V相关的工具及软件投资。新款解决方案的目标应用包括家居/楼宇自动化、医疗保健设备、家用电器、无人机等。
