Knowledge Base - How to Remove Powered By AcyMailing Open: template.php Located here: public_html/administrator/components/com_acymailing/extensions/plg_acymailing_template/ Goto Line: 154 You will see this: if((!acymailing_level(1) || acymailing_level(4)) && !empty($email->type) && in_array($email->type, array('news', 'followup'))){ $pict = '
Powered by AcyMailing
'; if(strpos($email->body, '')){ $email->body = str_replace('', $pict.'', $email->body); }else{ $email->body .= $pict; } } Delete the LINES below in YELLOW: if((!acymailing_level(1) || acymailing_level(4)) && !empty($email->type) && in_array($email->type, array('news', 'followup'))){ $pict = '
Powered by AcyMailing
'; if(strpos($email->body, '')){ $email->body = str_replace('', $pict.'', $email->body); }else{ $email->body .= $pict; } } Save the File! ===================================== We Are Not Done Just Yet! ===================================== Now Open: template.php Located here: public_html/plugins/acymailing/template/ Goto Line: 154 You will see this: if((!acymailing_level(1) || acymailing_level(4)) && !empty($email->type) && in_array($email->type, array('news', 'followup'))){ $pict = '
Powered by AcyMailing
'; if(strpos($email->body, '')){ $email->body = str_replace('', $pict.'', $email->body); }else{ $email->body .= $pict; } } Delete the LINES below in YELLOW: if((!acymailing_level(1) || acymailing_level(4)) && !empty($email->type) && in_array($email->type, array('news', 'followup'))){ $pict = '
Powered by AcyMailing
'; if(strpos($email->body, '')){ $email->body = str_replace('', $pict.'', $email->body); }else{ $email->body .= $pict; } } Save the File! That's All!