Technical News

BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) & SLE (Simplified Link Establishment). The module adopts a stamp-type interface, which is compatible with both onboard antennas and external antennas. It supports one-master and multi-slave multi-connections, and features low power consumption, high data rate, low latency, and strong anti-interference ability.

The SLE1000 is a SparkLink SLE V1.0 protocol conformance testing instrument, which is a necessary tool for verifying the protocol conformance of SparkLink low-power products. This device supports the SparkLink SLE V1.0 access layer's mandatory test case standards, enabling automated test case execution and result determination, with one-click report export. It provides protocol conformance testing services for SparkLink V1.0 mandatory test cases for manufacturers of upstream and downstream equipment, software developers, and third-party certification laboratories.


Technical Specifications

Protocol Support Type SLE V1.0
Operating Frequency 2400-2483.5MHz
Test Software Supports HCI UART communication protocol, supports DUT COM port number configuration, supports flexible selection of test cases, and supports storing test data on the local computer.
Test Case Features Meets the optional feature test cases defined in T/XS 50003-2023 "XingHan Wireless Communication System Low Power Access Layer Device Air Interface Requirements and Test Specifications" for SLE V1.0 access layer, including mandatory feature test cases for the physical layer, data link layer, and control plane functions.
Test Case Testing Supports one-click automated testing, displays the test case testing process, and determines the test results; supports outputting test reports and saving test log files.


SLE200 supports the capture and parsing of broadcast packets and data link packets for SLE devices, supports the SLE V1.0 protocol, supports 2.4GHz spectrum, supports 1MHz, 2MHz, and 4MHz bandwidth, supports capturing data link packets and broadcast packets over the air, supports storage and saving of original data packet files, supports analysis packet signal RSSI , bandwidth, and data frame type . The equipment is mainly used for auxiliary testing in the development process of SLE products or chips.


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